collectors of dreams - etsy shop

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Crossover Collective

Um projecto sobre as histórias e memórias colectivas que poderiam passar de geração em geração. Mas passam? Parece-me que as pessoas não querem dar tempo a outras pessoas para ouvi-las, independentemente da distância de idades ou de culturas que as separa. A menos que seja por meio de um computador, entre caixinhas. O projecto é interessante, houvessem mais e que pensassem no problema de raíz e não se ficassem por um resultado visual.

Imagem e © de Louise te Poele
"In today's society there is a lot of knowledge (created), but how is this knowledge passed on? Young people get their knowledge from books and the Internet, while the elderly and their heritage disappear. Society is changing and people are suspicious of spontaneity and communication with each other. People increasingly withdraw into their own privacy ‘bubble' while society, perhaps more than ever, actually is in need of real social exchange.

Collect moments, not things
The social machine focuses on an ancient form of communication and social activity: collective embroidery. The viewer is an active part of the installation, where transfer of ‘heritage’ (a collection of behavior, knowledge, expertise, skills, memories, core values and sentiment) that you leave in your environment is the central theme. The embroidered carpet is the silent witness of the numerous short encounters, and the visitor created a positive memory."

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